Tuesday, May 5, 2009

21st Century Skills

Creativity and Innovation
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Communication and Collaboration

I think these are skills that have always been valuable - not just in the 21st Century.

Information Literacy
Media Literacy
ICT Literacy

These are the skills that today's students must master in order to be successful not only now, but in the future as well.
I think one of the larger tasks is teaching students the skills they need to determine whether the information they find is quality, factual information or whether it is someone's opinion. Many students automatically click on the first link found under their Google search and don't bother to look any further - often times that link leads them to Wikipedia...

I am a bit troubled that the site gives no mention to industrial tech in their discussion of core classes. Manufacturing, engineering and development will never leave our economy and I think they are doing many students a disservice by dismissing the value of these courses.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It has been fun copying students' pictures from Campus and using them in the stories we do in class in German 1. Instead of using some unknown person like "Sven", I can insert a picture of a student in that class. It really has made a difference in the level of engagement in class.

I can manipulate them and superimpose them into pictures of famous German places, etc.

It has also been nice to create sentences by placing each word in a separate text box and then mix them up and have the kids unscramble them.

Now I need to find more time to be able to implement all of the great things a Smart Board can do....